Takie Dela is an independent media outlet, telling stories of people in contemporary Russia

At Takie Dela, we highlight the most urgent social issues, offering the audience solutions which everyone can implement to make their individual and collective lives better. We have been covering daily social injustices in Russia since 2015, which makes us the leading media in this segment in Russia.

We contribute to the protection of human rights of the most vulnerable social groups, and amplify media coverage of the fight for civil rights of the Russian people. Our publication has a special free article distribution programme for rural newspapers, where our publications are often the only way for people to learn about protecting their social interests.

Following the principles of solution journalism, we accomplished many successful cases of solving social problems in Russian regions and provided clear instructions on how to tackle or avoid them. Our unique approach lies in systematically highlighting social and philanthropic activities and fundraising in favor of 630 verified Russian NGOs we partner with. In the last 8 years, we have helped to crowdfund more than 7 million dollars for NGOs, which focus on solving various, often tabooed, social issues.

Top articles

Takie Dela received various awards, including the media prize in 2017 for «creating a new format of a resource-supporting charity in Russia» and the Sakharov Prize for Journalism. Our multimedia projects were awarded from Great Eight 2017, Pour l’Image 2017, World Press Photo 2018. Our editorials have been receiving monthly recognition lthe independent journalism award Redcollegia.

Whoever causes one of these little ones to…

Whoever causes one of these little ones to…

Making His Mark Among the Living

Making His Mark Among the Living

Women at the Top of the World

Women at the Top of the World

All That Remains

All That Remains

Not the End of the World

Not the End of the World

To Serve is to Struggle

To Serve is to Struggle

In addition to text editorials, we shoot videos from remote regions of Russia to show how people live there and what problems they face. Our documentary cycle Human Life about the oncologist Andrey Pavlenko has collected millions of views on YouTube.

Our publications reach more than 4 million views monthly. On our platforms, we form a community of caring people who exchange information, share stories about social injustice, and suggest topics. We keep in touch with the heroes of our stories and update our readers on the positive changes. This way, we show that horizontal initiatives in civil society matter and can result in positive change.

To continue doing the important work we require regular donations. If you enjoy our publications and the results they bring, please consider making a donation to Takie Dela. This will only take a couple of minutes, but it will enable us to continue doing what we know and love — telling stories that change lives for the better. From one person to society.


Make a one-off donation or set up a monthly payment, so we can continue amplyfying the voices of those who face social injustice.

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If you can read in Russian, subscribe to our Saturday newsletter, which features the best materials of Takie Dela, compiled by our editors

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